From the Desk of Brian Reyman
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- Issue 13, 1/13 : Poka-yokes, Knipex, and Silence
- Issue 12, 12/16 : 😀 📱 ❤️ 🕹
- Issue 11, 12/9 : Grammar is em-azing
- Issue 10, 12/2 : Life is a highway
- Issue 9, 11/25 : Chili and potatoes
- Issue 8, 11/18 : Long live the jpeg
- Issue 7, 11/11 : It pays to eat plants
- Issue 6, 11/04 : n + 1
- Issue 5, 10/28 : What will you start today?
- Issue 4, 10/21 : Your phone has too many photos
- Issue 3, 10/14 : Why I apply to jobs I don't want (and you should too)
- Issue 2, 10/07 : Apple, jobs, and bears - oh my!
- Issue 1, 9/30 : Photos, moons, and cycling through Alaska